Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Make it more than just your average day.

Today today today was... not too bad (:
As compared to yesterday la.
As in LAN rehearsal.

It was still super gila insane stress because, because lah.
Hard to explain haha
Like today more ppl showed up (if not they wld`ve suffered my wrath heh)
which only made it more chaotic, what with trying to get everyone to do
both cina and melayu in the same time period (1 hour)
as yesterday where we only did indian, and also the ppl not staying where
there were and instead floating around to chitchat.

But luckily today was more fun. Somehow.
If not, confirm I sure become a minor nuclear explosion.
luckily Germaine ada. Haha.
Not only does she know how to model/arrange catwalk
but she also took the initiative and cared enough to get into
the whole mess of the arrangement of ppl.
So yes, thanks heaps babe !

Alia`s seriously seriously random crazy antics never fail to humour me.
Especially when i`m in dire need of a laugh or even a twitch upwards of the corner of
my lips.

Fiona`s hickey is actually a person : mr. Ickey

Ying Xian has wet velvet wedges hee hee :D

Clarys`s kebaya super insane nice !
It`s reallyreally fabulous cos cos cos
it`s mine !
Heh :D:D

Yee Lian did a wonderfulwonderful brilliant job, being spontaneous and just helping
me out loads by settling the mc-ing.
Good job girl (: And thanks.

Jia Wei`s gona do chinese dance ! I don`t care, must haha :D

Ah, tomorrow brings yet another day where I will have 2 whole hours
to wonderfully direct me classmates and friends
in the whole fashion show thing.
Thursday is the day.
So tmw`s rehearsal is crucial.
I shall meet you evils tmw from 4-6 at lt2.
PL2, you better be there. Grr.

What we did during TKS :

Her eyes are big, but my mouth is bigger heh :D
May not be a good thing though -.-


I don`t usually hold a pencil that way. Random but true (:

Don`t know what she doing la.

FiFly !

If not for the sudden appearance, Fii is prettypretty :D

And I leave you to ponder why Princess is flapping her hands like a flamingo.

Check out the very thick stack of notes. Sigh. Alevels.

LoveLoveLove x

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