Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Make it so biased.

So I was revising Socio. Haha and then I came across some very annoying things which I just laughed at but actually it's not that funny lah. It's sexist man.

So the topic is Gender and Crime.
Otto Pollak gave reasons as to why there is under-recording of female crime. 1 reason :

Women are particularly adept in hiding their crimes because of female biology.
Women have become accustomed to deceiving men because traditional taboos prevent women from revealing pain and discomfort during menstruation.
Furthermore, women mislead men during sex.

His work has been criticized for being based upon unsubstantiated stereotypical image of women.
Thank goodness lol !

Another one, which I found more annoying, mostly at the injustice of it all.
Criminal justice as biased against women :
Male offenders sometimes treated more sympathetically than their female victims (rape trials)

Quoted comments of trial judges in rape cases in support of this claim :

"It is well known that women in particular and small boys are likely to be untruthful and invent stories."
Judge Sutcliffe

"It is the height of imprudence for any girl to hitch-hike at night. That is plain, it isn't really worth stating. She is in the true sense asking for it."
Judge Richards

And the last one, which I found paling menyampah :

"Women who say no do not always mean no. It is not just a question of how she says it, how she shows and makes it clear. If she doesn't want it she only has to keep her legs shut."
Judge Wild

But oh well, like with Religion, one has to keep an open mind lol.
Sometimes the decisions of the justice system is highly gendered and if this is true, the idea of equality before the law is an illusion.

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