Sexy mommah posing.
All the kangaroos there ar, super poser wan yknow. Lol. Seriously.
Okay la so there's only one thing I can say so far.All the kangaroos there ar, super poser wan yknow. Lol. Seriously.
Australia is freaking awesome possum lahhh. So typical of a Malaysian to sound jakun haha but what to do, it's true, the awesome part I mean.
I've been here 2 days now and I'm not liking the weather at all, basically because I'm Malaysian and hot sun & Malaysians are sorta synonymous, yknow? Haha :P Well it's super cold here lol. So, yeah, figures. Haha. It's about 14ish degrees in Sydney and it gets colder at night. It rained this afternoon in the Reptile Park, drizzled, stopped. Drizzled again, stopped again. It was like a kid playing with those flick-up-to-switch-on-flick-down-to-switch-off buttons. Crazy. Haha. But I thoroughly enjoyed myself today amongst the fat furry wombats :D I even saw a platypus! :DD Super cute lah. And echidnas!! I think they're the most adorable creatures of the spiky family :D Kangaroos and wallabys roamed freely which meant that their shit roamed freely too lol. They looked like cat shit, small and berketul, but varied in colour. There were brown ones and blackish ones but the most common would be olive green heaps. Wonderful. Not. Haha.
Joey peeking out!! Freaking cool!!
I wanted to tag it as "Joey" but I realized this is not Facebook. LOL.
The koalas were just lazy asses haha though one had a baby clinging onto its mama so that was quite interesting to note and it compensated for their boringness hahaha. Crazy emu started chasing white kids all around the place haha but I was too big for it to handle so it ran away from me LOL. There was this emo white kangaroo too, acting all cranky. Later I post up pic of the emo kangaroo k lol. And as I appreciated the place and how well it was kept, I felt that it will defo take some time before we are up to their standard. I mean they really run the place so well, and all animals are very much looked after. Malaysia generally doesn't care two hoots about its animals and that is why the likelihood of veterinarians making it big or even surviving in Msia is so slim it's almost aneroxic.
We woke up at 10am today, left the abang's hse in Ourimbah at 11am and headed towards Gosford for the Reptile Park where we left at 3pm to balik to abang's kawans' hse. Picked up so fish & chips on the way. Got to meet many new ppl :) Very friendly and accommodating. Kor had to work from 5-9pm so he left with the gang and it was just Jess & I in the house. His laptop failed me, duno why no internet and mine was stuck in his house so I had nothing to do and the jet lag plus the lack of sleep finally caught up with me after the busy yet fun day. Wanted to crash on the couch and went in to let Jess know that I was tired and she offered her bed so I just konked. Woke up feeling bad for hogging her bed for 2hrs. Sorry & thanks, Jess!
The reason I was so dead tired was because I slept at 3am last night and woke up at 10am. Yesterday, woke up at 5.45am for the flight having only slept at 2am due to some VISA complication. Was on flight MH 141 for about 8 hours and I tell you, Malaysian Airlines is the way to go la. Maybe it's cos I don't fly around much so I'm not really used to the awesomeness of MAS haha. I mean, I enjoyed myself immensely yknow! Haha! Like I had such a great flight weih. Food was terrific, the nasi lemak I reckon is even better than some back home in Asia or smtg man. Pau-ed extra pillow cos no one on my left. Every single time I woke up, I'd find something pleasant on the tray in front of me. First time is was a Magnum Mini ice-cream, and I know, no big deal haha, but trust me, when you've just woken up from a nice sleep with a slight neckache, an ice-cream is just what you need to complete the just-woke-up feeling hahaha. Second time I found 2 sandwiches staring back at me just begging me to eat 'em haha. Tuna & zuchinni ;) Coolios.
Once I landed at the Sydney airport, bro was there in a red hoodie, beanie and jeans ready to pick me up and introduce me to Australia :) Headed off to the city centre about 15min away and had dinner at Seoul-Ria (yes, Korean food on the first day just minutes after Australia and I made acquaintance lol) which is a super popular makan place on George Street, the main street in Sydney. I reached at about 8pm so dinner ended about 10pm. Then, bro wanted to introduce me to his best friend, Max Brennan. Lol. Max Brennan is a chocolate shop by the way haha. So to Max Brennan Chocolat Shop we went and had perfumed-waffles with hot Belgium milk chocolate, defo one of the best around. You'll without a doubt want to enjoy that perfect combo on a cold winter night man ;) And it's not too costly too. Not those high class extremely pricey places. So I felt very satiated indeed ;) It was packed with ppl, as it was another popular place. So I guess it really helps to have ppl who know where 'the places to be' are cos you get great food and company. Like, you wouldn't wana hang out at Baker's Cottage when there're Murni's and William's and even Asia in 15 around, would you? :P Sooo, yeah, you need connections who have connections yaw ;)
Well, if you're in Sydney, what must you go see? *Hears a chorus of "Sydney Harbour Bridge!" & "Sydney Opera House!"* Lol. So, that was our next stop. Snapped some pics of us in weird kung fu stances haha. Nearly died of the cold, with icicles on the tip of my nose and frost clinging to my eyebrows. Yeeeeaaahhhh... No, that didn't really happen. LOL. It's just that it was right next to the sea, so the wind was relentless and I was shivering my knickers of at 1am cos that's when we finally left for home lol.
I just realized I told my story backwards, started off with today and ended with yesterday lol.
I'd post pics up cos I have so many, but I'm lazy, like those koalas I saw in the park this afternoon HAHA. So, prolly tmw when I have more time ;)
It's 2.22am now Aussie time and it's time to sleep, mate. Haha. Tmw, time to do a leeetle shopping :D
Goodnight y'all!
Oh by the way, my brother has 2 pet mice!! Super cute weih! Actually there were 3, but one escaped and got eaten up by an iguana. Okay, it just escaped lah. I don't even know if iguanas are omnivorous lol. One's grey & white and the other's honey coloured & white :)