Thursday, May 8, 2008

Make it so stereotypical

Sigh, so much to say, so little time.
Prolly just a quickie before I'm off to do my work ( :

I just have to tell you, I was looking through some friend's friend's friend's friend's friends blogs haha, and my, some blogs are so insane bimbotic.
Like really, yknow. Not just like a minor-ish bimbo disease but rather a rather intense, and sad to say, real one.

Wah, after reading some, I could feel my IQ going down. Lol.
It's like, rather draining yknow, to read, and process, and finally come to a conclusion about what kind of mundane and stereotypical stuff some people talk about. Really, if you think you're a tad bimbotic, I forgive you. But truckloads ?!

It just boggles me how there are people out there thinking and pondering about the most ridiculous, seriously ridiculous, nonsensical issues, when there are so many more other things that need your attention. Maybe they're always serious in person, so blogging is their only avenue to their guilty pleasure : bimboticness-ish.

On another topic,

Izzat surprised me today with his choice of words haha.
"... macam org Upper East Siders tu la."

I was like, "Did you get that out of a movie ?! Oh wait. GossipGirl ! Do you watch GG ?"
*points finger accusingly*
"Alaa takde laa. My sister. Heh Heh."
"Yala tu, Izzat."

What the nonsense -.- Haha he's super hilarious.
Just cos your sister watches, doesn't mean you would know the term kan ( :
kan sangat sangat.

I still have not had the time to upload pics bout Hari Kecemerlangan, and to tell my tale of my mold-infested-but-now-perfectly-okay Chuck Taylors.

Rest assured you'll hear about it soon, reader !

Till then, take care ( :



dAv said...


Ben J said...

soooo when is the next update larr.. so long this place has been abandonnedd.......